Now to start off, yes there are health benefits but I will also point out that this is about moderate consumptions and not the strong beers we have today. Alcoholism is a serious thing and not something to be taken... Läs mer
Nutrition As I mentioned in the previous article, beer contained energy and water which was needed when working, but you also need other things than just energy. Now malt contains more than just energy and this transfers into the beer... Läs mer
Introduction This is the first part of several (when writing this, the number is not set) articles about using beer as a food source. They will most likely not be published in a row as I’m writing things that catch... Läs mer
This is, for some parts, outside the scope of the SCA. Although I find it as a fascinating myth and feel it’s one that has to be told. Although it might be a bit gruesome so readers discretion is adviced.... Läs mer
What do I mean by ale is not beer? Today you would say that ale is a kind of beer and it would be true, however historically ale was not beer. They were separated by the fact that beer contained... Läs mer
First and foremost we have to agree upon the fact that having proper ingredients is very important in order to be able to make a good brew. Now, of course contaminated water will still be drinkable and not all that... Läs mer